What can we do for you in our website?

What can we do for you in our website?

Trying to find bearing details?
Discover item info from our download center, search our list of technical FAQs, or discover a replacement for obsolete devices.

Bearing documentation and Software downloads

Browse and download deal documents, assistance details, certificates, CAD and software application.

GBDS Bearing Technical FAQs
Browse our library of regularly asked concerns (FAQs), videos, and guides developed by our assistance group.

Bearing Brand Replace/Substitute a Product
Discover our beneficial tool that assists you discover Schneider Electric equivalents to outdated items.
CAD Files
Discover Automation & Control and Electrical Circulation CAD files.

Didn't discover what you were searching for?
View our other assistance choices on this page, or call us straight online with your particular demand.

Searching for technical assistance ?
Search the Bearing library, gain access to software application licensing info, and more.
Item documents and Software application downloads
Browse and download deal documents, assistance info, certificates, CAD and software application.

Technical Frequently asked questions
Browse our library of regularly asked concerns (Frequently asked questions), videos, and guides developed by our assistance group.

Bearing Library
Gain access to our structure details modeling (BIM) library to support your structure job requirements
CAD files
Discover Automation & Control and Electrical Distribution CAD files.
Didn't discover what you were trying to find?
View our other assistance alternatives on this page, or call us straight online with your particular demand.
Purchase a Product

Wanting to purchase from GBDS?
Our sales group is here to support or you can log into your account straight for easy, online buying.

Discover a Product
online Interactive Catalogs and Tools give you the capability to select the correct bearings that best meet the needs of your application and equipment design.
View our other assistance alternatives on this page, or call us straight online with your particular demand.

Other Support
Trying to find other assistance?
Attempt our web and digital self-services, or search our video library.

Discover the app which provides customized services, 24/7 self-service, and simple access to professional assistance and info.

Didn't discover what you were searching for?

View our other assistance alternatives on this page, or call us straight online with your particular demand.

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